Friday, December 27, 2019

Benefits to Getting a College Degree

Being in college is hard in many ways: financially, academically, personally, socially, intellectually, physically. And most students question why they are trying to get a college degree at some point during their college experience. Simple reminders of the reasons why you want to get a college degree can help keep you on track when you feel like getting off. Tangible Reasons to Get a College Degree Youll make more money: figures range from several hundred thousand to a million dollars or more over your lifetime. Regardless of the details, however, youll have more income.Youll have a lifetime of increased opportunities. More job openings, more chances at promotions, and more flexibility with which jobs you take (and keep) are just a few of the doors that will be opened when you have your degree in hand.Youll be more empowered as an agent in your own life. Youll be better educated about the things that have an impact on your day-to-day existence: knowing how to read a lease, having an understanding of how the markets will influence your retirement accounts, and handling the finances of your family. A college education can empower you in all kinds of ways to be more in control of your lifes logistics.Youll be better able to weather adversity. From having more money available (see #1 in this list!) in a savings account to having marketable skills and an education during an economic downturn, having a degree can come in handy when life throws you a curve.Youll always be marketable. Having a college degree is becoming increasingly important in the job market. Consequently, having a degree now will open doors for the future, which will in turn open more doors and make you more marketable later ... and the cycle continues. Intangible Reasons to Get a College Degree Youll lead a more examined life. The critical thinking and reasoning skills you learn in college will stay with you for a lifetime.You can be an agent of change for others. Many social service positions, from doctor and lawyer to teacher and scientist, require a college degree (if not a graduate degree). Being able to help others means you have to educate yourself to do so through your time in school.Youll have more access to resources. In addition to the financial resources, youll have access to through your higher income, youll also have resources in all kinds of unexpected and intangible ways. Your roommate from freshman year who is now an attorney, your friend from chemistry class who is now a doctor, and the person you met at the alumni mixer who may offer you a job next week are the kinds of benefits and resources that are hard to plan for -- but that can make all the difference in the world.Youll have future opportunities in ways you may not be considering now. When you gradua te from college, you may have never even given a second thought to graduate school. But as you get older, you may unexpectedly develop a strong interest in medicine, law, or education. Having that undergraduate degree already under your belt will allow you to pursue your dreams once you realize where they are going.Youll have a strong sense of pride and self. You may be the first person in your family to graduate from college or you may come from a long line of graduates. Either way, knowing you earned your degree will undoubtedly give a lifetime of pride to yourself, your family, and your friends.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The New York Police Department - 1733 Words

Citizens of the nation will frequently claim that it is the responsibility of the government or states to safeguard its citizens and uphold the constitution. But what are the citizens supposed to do when these two fundamental philosophies suddenly are set in opposition with each other? In New York, the stop-and-frisk law is designed to protect its citizens, and yet it is taking away their constitutional rights. Although in some instances this method is deemed legal, the New York Police Department has adapted the process into one that stems from criminal profiling. Thus, the two ideologies clash in their views. The right-wing emphasizes how much the violent crime rate has declined. However, the left-wing refutes by asking the vital†¦show more content†¦Following the case, New York decided on a provision authorizing police to stop, question and frisk people on the streets (NYCLU). This became effective in 1971. To further the policy the NYPD created â€Å"UF-250† which forced officers to detail reasons for the stop itself. The policy was mainly used by the Street Crime Unit. With the development of the SCU came concerns and problems. For example, there was a drastic loss of training and observation of stops along with the emphasis on the number of stops. Prior to the expansion of the SCU there was a certain level of supervision by mentors that greatly affected how the policy was practiced. The scope of the SCU allowed for broad training. Having smaller numbers allowed an increased possibility for each officer to have a more experienced officer with them, however, with the expansion of the SCU an increase in the number of officers followed. Many citizens in general believe that there is a certain quota that police officers may stand by, this is the same idea that led inexperienced officers to make excessive stops in order to meet the numbers for the unexpressed quota. Because of a federal law suit against the SCU it was disabled. This also required the NYPD to modify â€Å"UF-250,† which took away the extensive explanation of why the officers pulled people over and replaced them with boxes including descriptors. A long with this new addition to the policy, as

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Management Accounting Remuneration Report (Audited)

Question: Discuss about the Management Accounting for Remuneration Report (Audited). Answer: Introduction The remuneration report for the period of 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016 is needed to be presented within a specific time. The Company, Amaysim Australia Limited, has requested the Directors to allow such remuneration report to be broadcasted. The report includes the description of the Key Management Personnel (KMP) who ought to take the responsibility of planning, directing, and controlling the management functionalities of Amaysim. In fact, these personnel have the full authority on the internal management activities. This personnel panel includes the Executive Director, Non-Executive Directors, and other Senior Executive Directors. This particular panel of the directors is considered as the Executive KMP. The report is formulated by maintaining the section 300A of the Corporations Act 2001. The directors are instructed to follow such act in order to present a structure remuneration report considering the proper regulation. The associated data in this report is observed through the proper auditing process verified by the section 308(3C) under the Corporations Act. The major sections included in this report are as follows: Remuneration Governance Key management Personnel Plans for Legacy Equity Executive Remuneration policy and structure Remuneration of Executive Statutory Fees of the Non-Executive Directors The remuneration outcomes of Executive KMP for FY16 Agreements for Executive employment Disclosures for additional requirements Key Management Personnel The KMP of Amaysim during the financial year of 2016 is listed below in a tabular form. Executive KMP Julian Ogrin Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Full Year Leanne Wolski Chief Financial Officer Full Year Julian Dell Chief Operations Officer Part year appointed KMP 15 October 2015 Andrew Balint Chief Commercial Officer Part year appointed KMP 15 October 2015 Remuneration Report 1) In 14th July, 2015, Rolf Hansen was the Executive Director and eventually he became a Non-Executive Director on listing Date. 2) In the year of 2015, Peter OConnell was selected as an Executive director and later he was appointed as a Non-Executive Director. 3) Julian Dell was an IT Executive at Amaysim and became the Chief Operations Officer there. 4) Andrew Balint was the Marketing Executive Director at Amaysim and later was appointed as one of the Chief Commercial Officer. Remuneration Governance The Committee of Nomination and Remuneration The Committee of Remuneration and Nomination was formulated before listing the report. The committee was involved to review and present preferable recommendations to the Board members. The recommendations are based on the following considerations: The recommendations include the succession of the planning process executed by the Executive KMP and Board of Directors. The aggregate fee pool and the fees of the Non-Executive Directors are needed to be recommended. The recommendations will include the equity-based incentives and the remuneration arrangements of the Executive KMP. It is required to present the recommendation regarding the remuneration, recruitment, retention, termination, and other policies associated with the company. The annual assessment based on the performance parameter of the Board members and the KMP Executives will be recommended. The recommendation will include the complete assessment of the skills, competition, and the size of Board panel. Remuneration Consultants The committee sometimes need to take the advice and assistance from the external remuneration consultants by considering the provisions of Committees charter. Such recommendations should be free from all influences of the Executives. Hence, these eternal consultants directly communicate with the committee members. However, it was seen that during the FY16, there are no such recommendations provided to the committee by the external consultants. It was noted that Mercer Australia was aligned with Committee for providing the proper remuneration report and market data related to the fees of directors. This remuneration framework structures the STI and LTI plans before listing up the proper report. However, it was observed that during FY16, the remuneration framework advice was not required. Remuneration Hedging The provision of Corporations Act refers that the employees and the KMP of Amaysim are completely excluded from the hedging unvested equity based remuneration. This prohibition rule is clearly mentioned in the Security policy, Remuneration Policy, and the Trading policy included in the website of the Company. The Structure and Policy of the Executive Remuneration The company is much focused on recruiting and retaining the skilled people of the organisation. In order to achieve such determined objectives, the required talents are listed further. Vision and Strategy of the Company: Amaysim Group is considered as one of the leading mobile service providers in Australia. The company is much committed to provide the quality services, competitive products, and the remarkable customer service experiences. The company has been considering the dual brand strategy and product diversification into a fixed broadband. With the help of such strategic implementation, the company will be able target a wide range of the market. It is even helpful enough in considering the growth of the profitable subscribers and creating the shareholders value. Reward Strategy: Amaysim believes in efficient performance skills. Therefore, the company is much committed to attract and retain the skilled associates including the senior management. Hence, the company needs to reward the skilled people in order to achieve the determined objectives. Amaysim has implemented the reward strategy for the Executive KMP and it initiates the opportunities for providing the competitively positioned remuneration. The remuneration framework for the Executives highlights the risk components. For instance, STI is focusing on the performance of the Executives that is associated with the customers experiences. On the other hand, LTI is suggesting the EPS Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for providing values to the Executives performance. Remuneration Framework of Executive KMP Some of the fixed and variable remuneration is structured further: Fixed Remuneration Superannuation Base Salary Non-Monetary Benefits (Structured positioning for the competitive market) Variable at risk remuneration STI Cash Delivery Measurement of the Annual performance is based on the financial and non-financial KPI. LTI Optional delivery Awards are based on the EPS growth performance measurement Over three, four, and five year performance period, the measurement process takes place. Remuneration Mix The remuneration chart will be including the remuneration mix of the Executives performance measurement. The fizzed remuneration indicates the contractual amount invested for FY16. The description of the fixed remuneration is provided further: Fixed Remuneration It is to be indicated that the fixed remuneration is associated with base salary, non-monetary benefits, and superannuation. It is even required to ensure the competitive position that is relative to the current market. Following factors are needed to be taken into account during the implementation of the fixed remuneration The skills and the experience of the executives Performance of the individual Labour market conditions Size and complexity of the role Measuring performance and scheduling vests The compound annual growth rate of EPS target is measured over three, four, and five year performance period. The awards are based on the achievements of such target. The underlying profits and loss are needed to be calculated to set the proper target. The associated EPS is considered as the key financial metric of the business strategy. The Board usually determines the KMP interests in order to create the long term value. The maintenance of the long-term sustainability is necessary. The structured outline of the LTI award percentage is presented further: EPS CAGR over the performance period Vesting % Less than 80% of target EPS CAGR Nil Equal to 80% of target EPS CAGR 50% Between 80% and 100% of target EPS CAGR Straight line vesting between 50% and 75% Equal to 100% of target EPS CAGR 75% Between 100% and 125% of target EPS CAGR Straight line vesting between 75% and 100% Equal to or greater than 125% of target EPS CAGR 100% Forfeiture and Termination The unvested LTI awards will lapse during the event of dismissal or resignation. However, the Board needs to determine the absolute discretion. It is noted that the pro-rated unvested options is somewhat associated with vesting condition and performance measurement. The pro-rata based portion is generally based on the fixed time that has been ensured for unvested LTI awards. If the directors opinions indicate any of the fraudulent or dishonest activities of any candidate, the LTI awards will be lapsed automatically. Hence, monitoring the exact criteria to achieve LTI awards is essential. Changing controls In the absolute discretion, the Board will determine the elimination of the unvested LTI awards. Such initiatives will be considered as the changing controls of the powers.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Legal Rights of Black Americans free essay sample

A discussion regarding the legal rights of Black Americans from the time they were brought to America as slaves. Specific reference is given to the various laws that were passed during the 19th Century. In this paper the author discusses the situation of Black Americans and assesses whether the abolishment of slavery has provided any greater protection under the law. The author starts at the beginning of the 19th century and looks at how Blacks were taken into slavery and brought to America. The author moves on to discuss the Missouri Compromise and the discussions that took place regarding ?slave free states?. The author then discusses then various laws that were passed during the 19th century and how the issue of slavery was eventually brought before the nation. From the paper: ?For a brief period during Reconstruction, many African Americans voted, and some were elected to public office. In the late 1870?s, however, enthusiasm for ensuring black equality waned in both the North and the Republican Party, and by 1877, when federal troops were withdrawn from the South, blacks were left to the power of whites committed to restoring white supremacy. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Rights of Black Americans or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Both Shiela and Eric Birling Change Significantly During the Course of the Play Essay Example

Both Shiela and Eric Birling Change Significantly During the Course of the Play Essay Example Both Shiela and Eric Birling Change Significantly During the Course of the Play Paper Both Shiela and Eric Birling Change Significantly During the Course of the Play Paper Essay Topic: Play I agree with this statement because at the beginning of the play Sheila seems very bubbly and she is always happy about everything, but as the truth comes out as the play goes on Sheila becomes unhappy and more and more upset. Eric changes as the play goes on because at the start of the play he can drink as much as he likes and the family wont notice how much he is drinking because they dont suspect him to be a heavy drinker. When Arthur and Sybil find out everyone turns against him and Eric realises what his family are really like. We learn that each of the characters are like one another in there own kind of way, thinking is nothing to worry about for the family, life is great. The writer shows that the characters are pleased with themselves by using happy phrases and making sure nobody snaps at one another. This is at the start of the play of course. I think Sheila changes the most throughout the play because when she accepts her guilt she wants to hear everybody elses story and make them accept what they have done. Sheila is impressionable, and deeply affected by what the Inspector reveals to her family throughout the play, she also uses slang phrases such as youre squiffy (page 3) towards Eric to indicate that he is drunk. Her use of slang expressions help emphasise her youth. However at the beginning of the play when shielas story is revealed she seems to have very similarities to her father Mr Birling. She seems very selfish and full of self-importance. An example of this behaviour is when shiela gets Eva Smith fired from her job at millwards just because Eva smiled at another assistant when she was trying something onb which both the assistant and shielas mother objected to before hand.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II

Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II The Battle of Iwo Jima was fought from February 19 to March 26, 1945, during World War II (1939-1945). The American invasion of Iwo Jima came after Allied forces had island-hopped across the Pacific and had conducted successful campaigns in the Solomon, Gilbert, Marshall, and Mariana Islands. Landing on Iwo Jima, American forces encountered much fiercer resistance than expected and the battle became one of the bloodiest of the war in the Pacific.    Forces Commanders Allies Admiral Raymond A. SpruanceMajor General Harry SchmidtVice Admiral Marc Mitscherup to 110,000 men Japanese Lieutenant General Tadamichi KuribayashiColonel Baron Takeichi Nishi23,000 men Background During 1944, the Allies achieved a series of successes as they island-hopped across the Pacific. Driving through the Marshall Islands, American forces captured Kwajalein and Eniwetok before pushing on to the Marianas. Following a victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea in late June, troops landed on Saipan and Guam and wrested them from the Japanese. That fall saw a decisive victory at the Battle of Leyte Gulf and the opening of a campaign in the Philippines. As a next step, Allied leaders began developing plans for the invasion of Okinawa. Since this operation was intended for April 1945, Allied forces were faced with a brief lull in offensive movements. To fill this, plans were developed for the invasion of Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands. Located approximately mid-way between the Marianas and the Japanese Home Islands, Iwo Jima served as an early warning station for Allied bombing raids and provided a base for Japanese fighters to intercept approaching bombers. Additionally, the island offered a launching point for Japanese air attacks against the new American bases in the Marianas. In assessing the island, American planners also envisioned using it as a forward base for the anticipated invasion of Japan. Planning Dubbed Operation Detachment, planning for capturing Iwo Jima moved forward with Major General Harry Schmidts V Amphibious Corps selected for the landings. Overall command of the invasion was given to Admiral Raymond A. Spruance and the carriers Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitschers Task Force 58 were directed to provide air support. Naval transport and direct support for Schmidts men would be given by Vice Admiral Richmond K. Turners Task Force 51. Allied air attacks and naval bombardments on the island had commenced in June 1944 and had continued through the remainder of the year. It was also scouted by Underwater Demolition Team 15 on June 17, 1944. In early 1945, intelligence indicated that Iwo Jima was relatively lightly defended and given the repeated strikes against it, planners thought it could be captured within a week of the landings (Map). These assessments led Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz to comment,  Well, this will be easy. The Japanese will surrender Iwo Jima without a fight. Japanese Defenses The believed state of Iwo Jimas defenses was a misconception that the islands commander, Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi had worked to encourage. Arriving in June 1944, Kuribayashi utilized  lessons learned during the Battle of Peleliu and focused his attention on building multiple layers of defenses that centered on strong points and bunkers. These featured heavy machine guns and artillery as well as held supplies to allow each strong point to hold out for an extended period. One bunker near Airfield #2 possessed sufficient ammunition, food, and water to resist for three months. Additionally, he elected to employ his limited number of tanks as mobile, camouflaged artillery positions. This overall approach broke from Japanese doctrine which called for establishing defensive lines on the beaches to combat invading troops before they could land in force. As Iwo Jima increasingly came under aerial attack, Kuribayashi commenced focusing on the construction of an elaborate system of interconnected tunnels and bunkers. Connecting the islands strong points, these tunnels were not visible from the air and came as a surprise to the Americans after they landed. Understanding that the battered Imperial Japanese Navy would not be able to offer support during an invasion of the island and that air support would be nonexistent, Kuribayashis goal was to inflict as many casualties as possible before the island fell. To this end, he encouraged his men to kill ten Americans each before dying themselves. Through this he hoped to discourage the Allies from attempting an invasion of Japan. Focusing his efforts on the northern end of the island, over eleven miles of tunnels were constructed, while a separate system honeycombed Mt. Suribachi at the southern end. The Marines Land As a prelude to Operation Detachment, B-24 Liberators from the Marianas pounded Iwo Jima for 74 days. Due to the nature of the Japanese defenses, these air attacks had little effect. Arriving off the island in mid-February, the invasion force took up positions. The American planned called for the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions to go ashore on Iwo Jimas southeastern beaches with the goal of capturing Mt. Suribachi and the southern airfield on the first day. At 2:00 AM on February 19, the pre-invasion bombardment commenced, supported by bombers. Heading towards the beach, the first wave of Marines landed at 8:59 AM and initially met little resistance. Sending patrols off the beach, they soon encountered Kuribayashis bunker system. Quickly coming under heavy fire from the bunkers and gun emplacements on Mt. Suribachi, the Marines began to take heavy losses. The situation was further complicated by the islands volcanic ash soil which prevented the digging of foxholes. Pushing Inland The Marines also found that clearing a bunker did not put it out of action as Japanese soldiers would use the tunnel network to make it operational again. This practice would be common during the battle and led to many casualties when Marines believed they were in a secure area. Utilizing naval gunfire, close air support, and arriving armored units, the Marines were slowly able to fight their way off the beach though losses remained high. Among those killed was Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone who had won the Medal of Honor three years earlier at Guadalcanal.   Around 10:35 AM, a force of Marines led by Colonel  Harry B. Liversedge succeeded in reaching the islands western shore and cutting off Mt. Suribachi. Under heavy fire from from the heights, efforts were made over the next few days to neutralize the Japanese on the mountain. This culminated with American forces reaching the summit on February 23 and the raising of the flag atop the summit. Grinding on to Victory As fighting raged for the mountain, other Marine units battled their way north past the southern airfield. Easily shifting troops through the tunnel network, Kuribayashi inflicted increasingly severe losses on the attackers. As American forces advanced, a key weapon proved to be flamethrower-equipped M4A3R3 Sherman tanks which were difficult to destroy and efficient at clearing bunkers. Efforts were also supported by the liberal use of close air support. This was initially provided by the Mitschers carriers and later transitioned to the P-51 Mustangs of the 15th Fighter Group after their arrival on March 6. Fighting to the last man, the Japanese made superb use of the terrain and their tunnel network, constantly popping out to surprise the Marines. Continuing to push north, the Marines encountered fierce resistance at the Motoyama Plateau and nearby Hill 382 during which the fighting bogged down. A similar situation developed to the west at Hill 362 which was riddled with tunnels. With the advance halted and casualties mounting, Marine commanders began changing tactics to combat the nature of the Japanese defenses. These include assaulting without preliminary bombardments and night attacks. Final Efforts By March 16, after weeks of brutal fighting, the island was declared secure. Despite this proclamation, the 5th Marine Division was still fighting to take Kuribayashis final stronghold at the northwest tip of the island. On March 21, they succeeded in destroying the Japanese command post and three days later closed the remaining tunnel entrances in the area. Though it appeared that the island was fully secured, 300 Japanese launched a final assault near Airfield No. 2 in the middle of the island on the night of March 25. Appearing behind the American lines, this force was ultimately contained and defeated by a mixed group of Army pilots, Seabees, engineers, and Marines. There is some speculation that Kuribayashi personally led this final attack. Aftermath Japanese losses in the fighting for Iwo Jima are subject to debate with numbers ranging from 17,845 killed to as high as 21,570. During the fighting only 216 Japanese soldiers were captured. When the island was declared secured again on March 26, approximately 3,000 Japanese remained alive in the tunnel system. While some carried on limited resistance or committed ritual suicide, others emerged to scavenge for food. US Army forces reported in June that they had captured an additional 867 prisoners and killed 1,602. The final two Japanese soldiers to surrender were Yamakage Kufuku and Matsudo Linsoki who lasted until 1951. American losses for Operation Detachment were a staggering 6,821 killed/missing and 19,217 wounded. The fighting for Iwo Jima was the one battle in which American forces sustained a greater number of total casualties than the Japanese. In the course of the struggle for the island, twenty-seven Medals of Honor were awarded, fourteen posthumously. A bloody victory, Iwo Jima provided valuable lessons for the upcoming Okinawa campaign. In addition, the island fulfilled its role as a waypoint to Japan for American bombers. During the final months of the war, 2,251 B-29 Superfortress landings occurred on the island. Due to heavy cost to take the island, the campaign was immediately subjected to intense scrutiny in the military and press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ninteenth Century Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ninteenth Century Music - Essay Example Change, which is in most cases disliked by many, has to come and do its part in order to have a very meaningful life. The problem is, on how to go along these changes. Retaliation is just a part when new ideas are brought in the open to be deliberated, and it is only after the "trial" of such ideas can the real advantages be seen and appreciated. Music's global influence cannot be hidden since history for it had affected one's thinking and influenced life's perspective that made an impact in every society, community, and in every nation. Furthermore, in every office, organization, and in every government. In the occurrence of development, setbacks happen that becomes a key for future progressive developments. Though time and effort are crucial for the accomplishment, what matters is the influence of the legacy left that serves as springboard - for further progression or destruction. The debate raged through the 19th century as to the value of programme music versus absolute music, but the real question is not whether the music was inspired by some outside theme or event, or served as its own inspiration. Instead, it is whether the music moves the audience. A program could give an added value to both composer and listener, but a work cannot be a masterpiece based on that program. The musical merits of the piece alone can determine if it is destined for greatness or to be lost with the passage of time. Programme music is an instrumental music that attempts to convey a scene, feeling, or story to the listener. The "program" or theme of a piece can be simply indicated by its title, or it can be a complex story or poem provided in a separate text. In music theory, it is considered the opposite of "absolute music," that commands attention for itself alone without the support of secondary ideas or associations to give it other than musical meaning. Many different kinds of compositions can be "programmatic," including cantatas, operas, madrigals, overtures, and symphonies. As links were formed between music, painting and literature, composers started to compose programme music - music that tells a story. Issues involved in the debate over programme and absolute music in the 19th Century. Classic and Romantic are troublesome words used in literature and the fine arts and in general history that had great variety of meaning. "Classic" suggests something finished, perfect, exemplary, a standard against which later production may be measured. While the word "Romantic" is constantly used to mean so many different things that it is quite useless for describing a musical style until it has been especially defined for that purpose. Furthermore, the traditional antithesis Classic-Romantic causes confusion in music history because it is not a total antithesis. In a very general sense, all art may be said to be romantic; for though it may take its materials from actual life, it transforms them and thus creates a new world which is necessarily remote from the everyday world to a greater or lesser degree. From this point of view, romantic art differs from classic art by its greater emphasis on the qualities of remoteness and strangeness, with all that such emphasis may imply as to choice and treatment of materials. If remoteness and boundlessness are romantic, then music is the most romantic of the arts. Its material - ordered sound and rhythm